The Socialist Revolution. A Scorecard.
How Much Can The Republic Endure?
• We have a bad regime in Washington run by bad people who do not have the people’s best interests at heart. Our leaders are no longer committed to our traditional, Christian principles and values.
• War on the family continues apace.
• Celebration of the gay and lesbian agenda, and transgenderism is derigueur.
• Our southern borders are un-locked and open to all comers.
• Vaccine passports are here.
• DHS declares that Americans who oppose COVID measures or claim that there was election fraud are terror threats.
• According to DHS, a grievance now qualifies as a “terror threat”.
• The FBI is asking Americans to spy on family and friends to prevent “extremism”.
• Cuban “balseros” (rafters) fleeing totalitarian political repression are turned away from our shores.
• CRT indoctrination within our schools and the military is in full swing.
• Purges of conservatives in the military has begun.
• Inflation and the danger of a worthless currency is stalking the economy.
• The fall of Afghanistan
• Social media censorship
• Private sector corporate America (Big Tech, Big Business, Big Pharma, the media) is moving steadily to the left through “corporate social responsibility”, and becoming more and more complicit in implementing the government’s agenda.
• Government and business are now docking the pay checks of those who refuse the COVID vaccine.
• Abortion
• Blatant, voting irregularities within cities and states go unreported, unchecked, and unprosecuted.
• A dearth of mothers, of conscience, are remaining at home to nurture future generations.
• Advertising and Big Media lie, obfuscate, and indoctrinate.
• In bondage of the current social zeitgeist, the United States Navy, at this time, is in a shambles, unable to project American naval power in a fashion that will deter China.
- A significant number of Democrats now favor government censorship
Citizens who oppose COVID measures, or who believe there was fraud in the 2020 presidential election, or who express their opinions at school board meetings are branded as domestic terrorists by the president and his administration.